Research summary- beginning

Everybody Loves Math
A summary to accompany Power Point presentation

Slide1: We, teachers are burdened by classes that are too big and have challenging compositions. Additionally, we are overwhelmed by constant changes in curriculum, teaching, and assessment methodology. These are some of the reasons why enhancing learning experiences for advanced learners does not get adequate attention. The presentation and accompanying summary of research should help us focus on the importance of enriched math lessons. Such lessons can enhance learning experiences for advanced learners and at the same time can capture the interest of students not inclined toward math.

Slides 2, 3 and 4: Why focus on advanced learners?
“Without a science-literate population [including the mathematical sciences], the outlook for a better world is not promising.”(AAAS, 1985)
We all agree that education in the scientific, mathematical, technological and engineering disciplines is needed for all citizens in the global knowledge society.  As it is likely that advanced learners will be scientists of tomorrow, this is one more reason to support their success by recognizing their different learning needs.
Further, the central function of the educational system is to provide each and every student regardless of his/her social and economical status with learning opportunities that match their potential and promote it to the maximal extent.
Also, based on Leikin’s statement, “Learning opportunities are the most critical factor for the realization of human intellectual potential” (2010), the importance of recognizing advanced learners and providing them with adequate learning opportunities could be seen as a human rights issue. Finally, providing enriched learning environments will be beneficial both academically and emotionally for advanced learners and other students, and it could change overall attitudes towards math.
Timing is also very important for two reasons: student development and classroom atmosphere. In regards to the former, Margo Kondratieva (2011) cites that, “If suitable learning-stimulating tasks are not given at the right moment [other research suggests by middle school the latest], then some intellectual abilities may not have the chance to develop”(Sierpinska, 1994). Also classroom environments can become challenging for all if the learning needs of advanced learners are not met, as they may become frustrated, disruptive, and aggressive (Fetzer, 2000).

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